Transformation at Your Own Pace.

This self-paced course teaches parents everything they wish they didn't need to know about teens, sex, and pornography. Along with the latest research, students will receive scripted guides for how to talk about these cringy topics with ease! Students will receive lifetime access to the course, despite the content gradually rolling out over the first 4 weeks. So if you need longer? Take longer!


  • Lesson 1: Why teens are vulnerable to the new sexual environment

    Growing curiosity paired with naivete; Characteristics of the adolescent brain; Teens’ media environment; School-based sex education; Parent-child communication about sex

  • Lesson 2: Sexualized media is not new, but it has changed

    Sexualized advertising; Sexualized and celebritized social media; History of erotica and pornography in the US

  • Lesson 3: Sexual violence ambiguity in Tube Site pornography

    Rough sex; Tube site organization and regulation; How common is sexual violence depicted in modern pornography?

  • Lesson 4: What about ethically produced pornography?

    Is all pornography exploitative? What is "ethical" porn? Should teens watch it?


  • Lesson 1: Gender socialization

    Biological gender differences; Kids' clothing; Disney movies; Halloween costumes; Gender reveal parties

  • Lesson 2: Sexual socialization

    How do we learn how to be sexual people? Male sexual aggression; Female sexual submission; Beauty and the Beast, Twilight, and Fifty Shades of Grey

  • Lesson 3: Pop culture teachable moments

    Celebrity relationship scandals; Rape culture; Political discourse about sexual violence

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  • Lesson 1: Pornography and the teenage brain

    Social neuroscience; Current research on the brain and pornography; Developmental neuroscience

  • Lesson 2: Progression of pornography use

    Teen pornography use statistics; How does pornography use progress? What is pornography addiction?

  • Lesson 3: Using tech for sex education and communication

    Social media; Sexual scripts; Sexual health websites; Youth norms for sexting; Gendered nature of sexting


  • Lesson 1: Image-based sexual abuse

    Revenge pornography; Coercive and nonconsensual sexting; Slut pages

  • Lesson 2: Online Sexual Exploitation

    Online sexual solicitation of minors; "Barely legal" pornography; Child sexual abuse material

  • Lesson: Sexual bullying and harassment

    Mobile device use during the school day; Hostile learning environments; Sexual misconduct policies; Improving school staff response to sexual violence

Course curriculum

    1. Before we begin...

    2. Welcome to PopPorn Parents!

    3. How to use this course platform

    4. Congrats! You're doing better than you know!

    1. Welcome to Module 1!

    2. Lesson 1: Why teens are vulnerable to the new sexual environment

    3. Recommended read: Parent Guide to Apps

    4. Talking to Kids About Porn-E Book

    5. Recommended read: 7 Steps to Establish Yourself as an Approachable Parent

    6. Recommended read: Alternative Sex Talk Points to Make with your Kids

    7. Lesson 2: Sexualized media is not new, but it has changed

    8. Recommended watch: Sexualized Advertising-Collective Shout

    9. Recommended watch: How the Evolution of Porn Changed Adolescence

    10. Lesson 3: Sexual violence ambiguity in "Tube Site" pornography

    11. Recommended watch: Hot Girls Wanted documentary

    12. Optional watch: Secrets of the Zoo

    13. Optional academic read: #ChokeMeDaddy

    14. Lesson 4: What about ethically produced pornography?

    15. Recommended watch: Money Shot-The Porn Hub Story

    16. Optional read: Sexual Health Alliance on ethically produced pornography

    17. Module 1 Homework

    18. Module 1 References

    1. Welcome to Module 2!

    2. Lesson 1: Gender Socialization

    3. Recommended read: How Toys Became Gendered

    4. Optional watch: The Mask You Live In

    5. Lesson 2: Sexual Socialization

    6. Beauty and the Beast: Power and Control

    7. Optional academic read: Love hurts?

    8. Lesson 3: Pop culture teachable moments

    9. Recommended read: Why We Don't Want to Believe Bill Cosby Might Actually Be a Rapist

    10. Optional academic read: #NotOkay

    11. Optional read: This Movement Will End if Men Stay Silent

    12. Reccomended watch: What Young Women Believe About Their Own Sexual Pleasure

    13. Module 2 Homework

    14. Module 2 References

    1. Welcome to Module 3!

    2. Lesson 1: The Teenage Brain

    3. Lesson 2: The Progression of Pornography Use

    4. Common Sense Media: Teens and Pornography

    5. Lesson 3: Using Tech for Sexual Education and Communication

    6. Optional academic read: Female adolescent's online sexual experiences

    7. Optional academic read: How online experiences predict offline outcomes

    8. Module 3 Homework

    9. Module 3 References

    1. Welcome to Module 4!

    2. Lesson 1: Image-Based Sexual Abuse

    3. Optional academic read: Slutpage use among US college students

    4. Recommended read: Prepping Your Kid for the Dark Side of College

    5. Recommended read: Slut pages: Jocks and Frat Boys

    6. Lesson 2: Online Sexual Exploitation

    7. Undercover Instagram Investigation of Sexual Solicitation

    8. Lesson 3: Sexual Bullying and Harassment at School

    9. Module 4 Homework

    10. Module 4 References

    1. You got this!

    2. Recommended Books to Buy

    3. Need help? RAINN is an excellent resource

    4. American Psychological Association: Health Advisory on Social Media Use During Adolescence

    5. American Psychological Association: Taskforce on the Sexualization of Girls

    6. Optional academic read: PopPorn-Popular Culture and Pornography Education for Secondary School Staff

    7. Centers for Disease Control: Intimate Partner Violence Prevention

    8. Centers for Disease Control: Sexual Violence Prevention

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 63 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

Meet your instructor!

Dr. Megan Maas

Associate Professor

Megan Maas, PhD, is an internationally recognized expert in media and sexual behavior. Currently, she is an associate professor in Human Development & Family Studies at Michigan State University. Her award-winning research, recognized by the American Psychological Association, focuses on adolescent sexual development. Specifically, she investigates how experiences of social media, sexting, and online pornography play a bi-directional role in the development of attitudes and behavior related to sexuality and gender. She received her PhD from The Pennsylvania State University as a pre-doctoral fellow funded by the National Institutes of Health. Born and raised in California, Megan earned her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from California State University, Sacramento. She also holds a master’s degree in Human Development & Family Studies from Penn State. ​Before pursuing an academic career, Megan worked on film sets in Los Angeles where she developed her passion for storytelling. After gravitating toward education, she worked as a health educator and developed a popular lecture series which integrated peer-reviewed information on pornography use into sexual health behavior for lectures for college students, parents, and mental health professionals. Since then, Megan has served as a facilitator, workshop leader, and speaker on issues revolving around adolescent sexuality, sexualization, pornography use, sexual socialization, pornography use in romantic relationships, and parent-child communication about sexuality at universities and organizations across the country. In addition to publishing her research in academic journals, she also publishes her work in mass media outlets such as HuffPost, CNN, and Salon. She also continues her passion for storytelling by translating science to general audiences in documentary films, podcasts, and television interviews.

Empower yourself, so you can help them.

Common Questions

  • Is this a faith-based course?

    Nope! This course is for all religious backgrounds, agnostics, and atheists. You will be provided with tools to incorporate your faith if you would like to, while keeping the message based in rigorous research and without morality beyond basic respect for human dignity. The course is described as "sex positive" which is a term that means that reducing shame around sex is the highest priority.

  • Is this course for parents of kids or just teenagers?

    This course is for parents of kids 5 years and up. Kids deserve to know the truth about how they were made and born into this world. Child sexual abuse is still a huge issue, and children are shaped from a very young age by the movies they watch and Halloween costumes they wear. Not to mention, the average age at first exposure to pornography is 10-12 years old. This course covers all of the above, it is not just about pornography.

  • I'm worried about media impacts (especially from porn), but I don't want to shame my kid. Will this course help with that?

    Definitely! This step-by-step guide is all about reducing shame by teaching specific aspects of brain and body arousal. This demystifies the process so teens can remain curious while also knowing what are better ways to explore and not-so-great ways to explore.

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